Colour Inspiration

White walls might seem like a safe, easy choice, but look into it a bit further and it’s very easy for FOMU to rear its head. Should you choose a cool white such as Diamond White, a neutral white such as Tiger White, or a warm white such as Winter Chic? It can get confusing, fast. 
British Paints have all the tools to help you make the right colour choices for your home. No stress. No regrets.

Colour Combos
It’s hard to visualise colour schemes without seeing them in front of you. Cool tones such as soft blues, grey and greens can bring a calm, relaxed feel to a room, while warmer colours such as oranges and pinks can make a room feel cosy and warm. British Paints’ Colour Schemes guide and Colour Booklets help you look at how different colours go together, and give you an overall idea of the type of vibe you’d like to go for. From whites and neutral tones to darker colours, seeing how other people put colours together can help you piece together the look you’re after.

Test it out
However much you like the look of a paint colour on the tin, you need to try it on your walls first. The light in the room, the colour of the flooring, and the time of day can all change how a paint looks once it’s on the wall. Pick up a few sample pots and try a few different colours on the wall before you make your final decision. Still undecided? British Paints Colouriser can help you see what your room will look like when it’s totally painted, so there’s no need for FOMU at all.

Feature walls
Not all walls need to be the same colour! Feature walls can make a room feel bigger or help separate a space. A darker colour will add some depth to a room, and a light colour can make a small wall seem a more regular shape.


Colour Inspiration
